Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mac Attack

Santa came early and visited room 231 this afternoon.

.......Penny now has an iPhone. Now, your favorite librarian, folk artist, mother, daughter, wife, cousin, friend will be even easier to connect with! She practically squealed when Katie called to let us know she and Dad had successfully broken up with Verizon and were now in a serious courtship with AT&T. She could barely contain herself when Santa walked in the door with that bright orange bag. How fun is it when you get to witness someone totally embrace the wide-eyed, warm, innocence of a little girl on Christmas morning? SO FUN!

She's still got some learning to do, as do the other new-to-the-iPhone-club members, Jonathan and Katie, but she's already had fun doing glamour shots from her hospital bed and will soon be an avid texter, just like her tech-savvy daughters.

So, please, I beg of you, texts, texts and more texts! Practice makes perfect, so lets whip this baby boomer into shape! Maybe you could even suggest to her that the youngest Mac (no pun intended) deserves an iPhone too, besides, I think its a great prize for the iPhone Tutoring Job I've now been assigned. (Tutorials, study sessions, etc. will be held in DCH room 231 for anyone interested. Any iPhone veterans feel free to fill us in on any tech-tricks you may have up your sleeve!)

Happy Early Christmas, Mama!


  1. lucky girl!!!!! i'd LOVE to have one of those!
    You are so Hip now!! :)

  2. is just AMAZING!!!! I felt like i was getting my "Tiny Tears" doll all over again (my favorite present I remember from childhood)!

    MK, great post. I love you! Looking forward to all my tutorials and power exercise classes in room 231! I love you! Mama.

  3. Alan will be thrilled for you! He LIVES on his. He loves to play solitaire in the middle of the night if he can't sleep! See you later! I will call first.
