Saturday, December 26, 2009

Birthday Greetings.....

Today is Pam Malone Miller's birthday, on December 26th, the "let down" day.

It is not a let down day for me, for she was born and became my friend!

Happy Birthday, Pam!

I always wondered how people with birthdays on the 24th, 25th, and 26th coped with this.

I know someone else who has a birthday within these three days.  She told me that she has always insisted on BIRTHDAY paper for her BIRTHDAY presents, Christmas wrap for the other.

Still, I would think it would be a bit hard.

We almost found out.  I was pregnant with a baby that was due on December 24th.  I remember thinking, first, "YEA!!!! A new baby!"   Then I remember the due date and thought, "OH MY!  A Christmas baby!" which of course, can have two meanings....a birthday lost in the shuffle of Christmas or a birthday shared with the most holy birthday in the history of the world.

We never found out.  I miscarried on Mother's Day that year.  How odd.

Not ones to waste time, we found ourselves expecting again.  Mary-Keeley was born on March 7th, and shares her birthday with my best friend, Jean, her godmother.

Some things are meant to be.

Oh, and happy belated birthday to Kay Sasser Jacoby, a Christmas Eve baby!

Edited to add:  This is also a "birthday" of sorts for my family and me.  Today is the day we start our "New Normal" life.   I've been looking forward to this day since December 10, the day I went to the doctor.  I knew if we could make it through yesterday, as close to "Old Normal" as possible, then things would be ok.  Happy to be sharing my "New Normal" birthday with Pam!


  1. My daddy's birthday was Christmas Eve - and once when I was ? maybe 10 he mentioned that people always said to him "this is your birthday and
    Christmas gift". I always made sure to give him something (even a pair of socks) that was wrapped in Birthday paper.
    Have a great day, Penny

  2. In the words of Lucille Ball during an episode of I Love Lucy, "She's-a everybody's birthday!" O.K......., not that today is everybody's birthday, but pause to wish everyone you see a "happy day, following the celebration of our Lord's birthday!" It WAS the best Christmas ever, thanks for sharing the McAllister's day with us.

  3. Cheree...the TV adventure was PERFECTO MUNDO. Easy Peasy for MK, with a little help from a friend and Katie. They watched Julie/Julia again (5th time) after downloading from Comcast since MK had given me the DVD for Christmas. She had watched it 3 times before she gave it to me.

    Big hugs to you and Jim for doing this for us!

  4. Sue, how thoughtful! I think that is what would be so sad for a child...nothing to delineate the two days.


  5. I have Juie/Julia next in my queu (?) from Netflix (sent to PK)...I am determined that Alan is going to see it. He loved watching Juia on PBS back in the old days before FoodNetwork. Looking forward to your being at PK with us again soon for you and A to cook together again!!!!:)

  6. I just read the New Part of the post.....we can sympathize with you somewhat....after such a difficult fall for Alan's family. We felt the same way, if we could just "get through" the holidays, we would emerge stronger and get back to whatever normal is. So many flashpoints in our life that should not be ignored but should be considered "jumping off" points to move on.
