Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let me hear your body talk....

Whew, baby. Did I hear my body talk to me today. They told me I needed a couple of things of blood and I thought nothing of it.

Till I took my shower and was thrown back into a time machine, to a fortnight ago. I felt exactly the same. Totally exhausted.

At that time, I didn't know my red blood cells were low, unable to carry enough oxygen through my body.

Now I recognize the feeling.

Dr. Jordan, third partner in my doctor's group confirmed that the "honeymoon" of feeling good is about to be over for a little while, and then will start to pick back up again.


In the meantime I yearn for a time when I can move around as tamely as ONJ does in the video below.

J and I went to her concert. It was SO wonderful!


  1. You will be up and at 'em soon! I found a red goblet for you today, it can carry you though Cmas and into Valentines. It will also be a good Roll Tide Roll glass on Jan. 7!!!
    See you tomorrow.

  2. Did you remember ONJ had to fight the C battle, too?

    I've been lurking in your blog and you are lurking in my thoughts and prayers every day!


  3. Cud'n, Cud'n,
    You constantly amaze me! Here I am feeling stressed with holiday "stuff" and agonizing about how in the h___ I am going to get everthing done---then I read your blog. Shame on me! Your postitive attitude is contagious.

    Glad you have been feeling so much better. If that honeymoon is temporarily over, just remind yourself that the down times make the good times that much "good-er..."

    In the near future you will be singing "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go---home!"

    Love you and praying for you,
    Cud'n Glenda

  4. Hang tight little sweet pea.... I'd send you a pint of something, if I could.... Love you!

  5. Penny, just wanted you to know I'm here, still following your blog and still praying. Not on fb anymore. In fact, at this moment I'm in Provence preparing for Christmas. Went shopping for food and bought a dinde thinking it was a goose, but in fact it is a turkey, so turkey it shall be, along with potatoes prepared with creme fraiche and caviar, carrot-ginger puree, hercot verts and a bouche de noel. Tonight (Christmas Eve) we will go to mass at 11 p.m. Supposed to last about 2 hours. I hope the music is good as my french is very limited. Far cry from Ridgecrest Baptist Church, but we all have same end in sight. Hope this amuses you a little. I'll follow you here. If you ever need more of me: lklandrum@mac.com
